Helpful Links
Postpartum Support International
Online and in-person support groups listed on this site
Various helplines specific to your unique needs
Find trained therapists in your area in their directory
Information about various pregnancy and postpartum mental health topics
Information about EMDR Therapy can be found on this website
You can also find EMDR trained therapists in your area on their directory
Here is a video introduction to this type of therapy; please note that the experience is different for each person and we will decide together when and if reprocessing is appropriate
Guided LovingKindness Meditation
Sharon Salzberg teaches about “metta” or lovingkindness meditation and then guides you through the practice
Polyvagal-Informed Yoga and Polyvagal Videos
Dr. Arielle Schwartz posts polyvagal teachings as well as polyvagal informed yoga practices
If you want to learn more about polyvagal theory watch this video from the Polyvagal Institute