Will we be a good fit?

Please check out the information below; my hope is that this information will give you a good idea about whether or not we will work well together based upon your unique needs. That being said, the first few sessions are going to determine if we are the right fit.

Someone who will work well with me as a therapist…

  • Understands the 80/20 law - that 80 percent of the value from therapy will occur outside the sessions themselves, when you take what was learned in session and incorporate it in your life

  • Is open and willing to try new things and to practice this in session; things like breathing exercises, somatic-based grounding, calming techniques

  • Will take information from sessions and adapt it to make it work for your unique, individual needs

  • Is ready and motivated to make changes - no matter how fast or slow you need to go with these changes

  • Is committed to attending sessions on a regular basis, making sessions a priority in your life

  • Understands the responsibility for their part in therapy - arriving on time, communicating cancellations with notice, thinking about the session ahead of time (having an idea of what you want to talk about, work on or are seeking support with)

  • Will engage in self-love practices, ones that are taught in sessions, items on the self-love page or exercises that you already have available to you

  • Understands that the more time you put in, the more healing you will experience; if you are time-limited in how many sessions you can commit to we can still work together, knowing that we will make smaller goals, if you would like to address larger goals more time commitment is needed

  • Appreciates appropriate use of humour within sessions

  • Values a holistic view of well-being - looking at the whole person and their environment