Megan standing in the library aisle smiling at the camera.

I am a Registered Social Worker in Essex, Ontario offering in person or virtual appointments. I specialize in supporting individuals in the perinatal (pre-pregnancy, pregnancy, postpartum and parenting) period as well as anyone who is looking for support with past or present difficult life experiences.

Beginning is often the hardest part and the first session can bring a lot of nerves and uncertainty. I offer a free initial phone call before getting started. Reach out to set this up here.

You are not alone, there is support.

I have created this client profile to help you decide if working with me is the right choice for you and your needs. Since the therapeutic relationship is such an important part of successful therapy I encourage you to also create an ideal therapist profile to use when making your decision. Click below to see my client profile and ask yourself, does this sound like me?

A good connection with your counsellor is one of the strongest predictors of success in the counselling process.

I am a registered social worker providing individual therapy to adults 18+. I am very passionate about helping people through maternal (pre-pregnancy, pregnancy and postpartum) mental health challenges. Being a mother myself I know the struggles that come from this season of life, and the unfortunate lack of services available. I want to support parenting individuals through these difficult challenges so you do not have to feel alone.

I am also pleased to provide the trauma-based approach EMDR therapy for clients of all backgrounds. I have been in awe seeing the many benefits of EMDR therapy both as client and clinician. If you want to learn more about this approach click here for my “helpful links”. I know the word trauma takes on many meanings so if you are interested check out this podcast episode for how I define trauma.

I would be honoured to help you navigate the many transitions in life.

Megan sitting with pen and paper smiling at camera.

About Megan

Client Profile

What to expect at the first session

The first few sessions will be all about getting to know you and your experiences. This is where you will really be able to decide if I am the right counsellor for you.

In the first session I will often ask clients, “what would be important for me to know about you so that I can best support you right now?” It is important that you feel safe in the counselling space to share, and that you only share what you are comfortable sharing. You do not have to tell me everything in this first session, remember that your system has been through a lot in many years so it would be overwhelming to attempt to fit it all within an hour. I like to begin by sharing resources with you, so you will most likely leave our first few sessions with some strategies to help you support yourself outside of session.

The first few sessions is also where we will build the therapeutic relationship, please be as open and honest as you are able so that I can best support you. Healing takes time, so be patient with yourself; there is no correct timeline for this type of work.